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中英对照:​自信自立、开放包容、公道正义、合作共赢 [4]

Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance, Openness and Inclusiveness, Fairness and Justice, and Win-Win Cooperation [4]

Over the past year, when faced with major issues concerning the future of humanity and the direction of world development, China has all along stood firmly on the right side of history and on the side of human progress in its diplomacy, and made decisions that can stand the test of practice and time. 
First, we firmly choose cooperation over confrontation. Relations among major countries bear on the stability of the world. The Chinese side believes that major countries must have commensurate vision and shoulder due responsibilities. It is to this end that we are always ready to do more, and to strive for more positive results, to unequivocally oppose major-power competition and confrontation, and to unswervingly promote sound interactions with other major countries. 
China continued to deepen its comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with Russia, with a view to boosting our respective development and revitalization, and promoting world multipolarity and greater democracy in international relations. Last year, President Xi Jinping chose Russia for his first overseas trip and held two meetings with President Vladimir Putin, showing a high level of mutual trust and providing strategic guidance for practicing true multilateralism, enhancing practical cooperation across the board and upholding global strategic stability.
China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership entered its 20th year. Last year, President Xi Jinping held in-depth exchanges on multiple occasions with leaders of European countries, such as France and Germany, and EU institutions. Fruitful results were achieved in high-level dialogues in strategic, economic and trade, green and digital areas. China-Europe relationship is not targeted at any third party, nor is it subjugated to or controlled by any third party. When China and Europe join hands, attempts to create bloc confrontation will not succeed and a new Cold War will not take place. China-Australia relations returned to the right track, enabling a fresh start of the comprehensive strategic partnership and a virtuous cycle of sound and stable development. Chinese and Japanese leaders reaffirmed their commitment to comprehensively promoting a strategic relationship of mutual benefit, and agreed to properly handle existing problems to build a constructive and stable China-Japan relationship fit for the new era. 
How China and the United States interact with each other affects the future of humanity and our planet. At the beginning of last year when this relationship went through serious difficulties, China stated its solemn position, urging the U.S. to change its wrong perception of China and reinstate a reasonable and pragmatic China policy. After painstaking efforts, the two sides managed to rebuild communication and dialogue and stabilized bilateral relations from further deterioration. Last November, President Xi Jinping accepted the invitation and held a historic meeting with President Joe Biden in San Francisco, during which they had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on issues of strategic and overarching importance and critical to the direction of China-U.S. relations. President Xi Jinping incisively pointed out that for China and the United States, turning one’s back on another is not an option; it is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other; and conflict and confrontation has unbearable consequences for both sides. The right way forward is to follow the principles of mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation. President Biden reaffirmed the five commitments he made in Bali, stated that the United States is glad to see prosperity in China, and that the U.S. does not seek to contain or suppress China’s development or to decouple with China, and does not support “Taiwan independence”. The two sides reached more than 20 deliverables, restored and established a series of dialogue and communication mechanisms, and formed the future-oriented San Francisco vision.
Second, we firmly choose solidarity over division. What concerns the international community the most today is: Will humanity head toward division? Will there be a new Cold War? President Xi Jinping has given China’s answer: “Solidarity brings strength, and confidence is more precious than gold.” We stand firmly against small circles that seek geopolitical purposes and small blocs that undermine stability. China is committed to building a new type of international relations and to consolidating and expanding the global network of partnerships. 
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, President Xi Jinping further elaborated on the Asian values featuring peace, cooperation, inclusiveness and integration, and set forth a new vision of building a peaceful, safe and secure, prosperous, beautiful, amicable and harmonious Asian home. Landmark achievements including the commissioning of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway complemented China-Indonesia relations. China and Singapore elevated their relationship to an all-around high-quality future-oriented partnership. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation made solid and rapid progress. And China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership continued to be close and pioneering. We released the Outlook on China’s Foreign Policy on Its Neighborhood in the New Era, the first of its kind, showing China’s commitment and resolve in working together with neighboring countries to safeguard regional tranquility amid fluid international dynamics and promote development despite challenges and difficulties. 
China stood firmly in solidarity with the Global South, going through thick and thin and heading toward a shared future with fellow developing countries. President Xi Jinping visited Africa, first in five years, and co-chaired the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue, drawing the blueprint for future China-Africa cooperation. We continued to strengthen strategic mutual trust with Arab countries, accelerated the implementation of the outcomes of the first China-Arab States Summit and the first China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit. We received over 10 leaders from Latin American countries and attended the Group of 77 plus China Summit in Havana, speeding up the upgrading of China’s relations with Latin America. 
Around the world, we see reinvigoration of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the collective rise of developing countries and a new awakening of the Global South. This has made us more confident about the future of the world and more hopeful of human solidarity. Modernization should not be confined to a few. Rather, it should serve all countries and all people. We are convinced that as long as countries move beyond their differences of views, embrace solidarity and work with one another, difficulties of all sorts can be resolved and the vision of global modernization can become a reality.  
Third, we firmly choose openness over isolation. Global economic recovery remains sluggish, yet protectionist tendency is on the rise, fanned by rampant politicizing and stretching of national security concept and growing rhetorics on “building high fences around a small yard”, “decoupling and cutting off supply chains” and “de-risking”. These are against the trend of the times. They hold back a country’s own development and seriously weaken the drivers of global growth. China believes globalization is an irreversible trend. The world economy is like a big ocean that cannot be cut into isolated lakes. Only by increasing openness will we be able to tackle challenges; only by strengthening cooperation will we be able to achieve sustained development. 