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中英对照:外交部长秦刚就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问 [8]

Foreign Minister Qin Gang Meets the Press [8]

The Straits Times Some see your appointment as foreign minister as a signal that China is moving away from the so-called “wolf warrior diplomacy” and taking a softer approach with its diplomacy. Is China really pivoting away from what had been viewed as a tough brand of engagement?
Qin Gang A very interesting question. I recall when I just arrived as Chinese ambassador to the United States, American media exclaimed, “Here comes a Chinese wolf warrior.” Now I am back as the foreign minister, the media have stopped calling me that way. I kind of feel at a loss. Truth is, “wolf warrior diplomacy” is a narrative trap. Those who coined the term and set the trap either know little about China and its diplomacy, or have a hidden agenda in disregard of facts.
Confucius said over 2,000 years ago, “One should repay kindness with kindness, and resentment with justice. If resentment is repaid with kindness, with what then should one repay kindness?” In China’s diplomacy, there is no shortage of goodwill and kindness. But if faced with jackals or wolves, Chinese diplomats would have no choice but to confront them head-on and protect our motherland.
AFP Given China’s tense relations with the United States in recent months, does China plan to strengthen its ties with the European Union on political and commercial levels?
Qin Gang China and Europe are two great civilizations, two big markets and two major forces. Our interactions are an independent choice made by the two sides entirely based on our respective strategic interests. The China-Europe relationship is not targeted at any third party, nor is it subjugated to or controlled by any third party.
No matter how the situation may evolve, China all along sees the European Union as a comprehensive strategic partner and supports European integration. We hope that Europe, with the painful Ukraine crisis in mind, will truly realize strategic autonomy and long-term peace and stability. 
We will work with Europe to uphold true multilateralism, and keep to mutual respect and win-win cooperation. We wish to work with Europe to overcome disruptions and challenges, keep deepening the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, and bring more stability, certainty and positive energy to a world of change and disorder. 
China Daily We recently launched a survey to collect questions for the foreign minister. Many young people care a lot about China’s international image and voice in international affairs. How can we present to the world a true, multi-dimensional and panoramic picture of China? What role can young people play in making China’s voice better heard?
Qin Gang I’d like to first thank China Daily for conducting this survey. I believe this helps to bring the general public, especially the young people, closer to China’s diplomacy. I’d also like to thank our young friends for your interest in and support for China’s diplomatic work. This is a good question. I’m very pleased to see that our young people have this ambition and vision. As a Chinese proverb goes, “Everyone has a responsibility for the future of their country.” General Secretary Xi Jinping observed that young people are our hope and will shape the future, and that they should demonstrate their youthful vigor in the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
China is moving closer to the center of the world stage. We make trending topics and find ourselves in spotlight more often. But we don’t have enough microphones, and our voice is not loud enough. Some are still hogging the microphones, and there are quite many noises and jarring notes about China. When it comes to making China’s voice heard loud and clear, young Chinese have an important role to play.