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中英对照:2024年1月26日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会 [3]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on January 26, 2024 [3]

AFP Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi will visit Thailand today and will meet with the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Do you have any details to offer on his visit?
Wang Wenbin To maintain strategic communication between Director Wang Yi and Advisor Jake Sullivan is an important common understanding between the two presidents of China and the US. During the new round of meetings, Director Wang Yi will state China’s position on issues such as China-US relations and the Taiwan question and exchange views with the US on international and regional issues of mutual interest.
Associated Press of Pakistan A senior Pakistani official yesterday said that Indian agents were involved in the killing of Pakistani citizens on Pakistan soil. Earlier this week, Global Times also reported that there were solid evidences proving that India supports terrorist forces in some Pakistani areas such as Balochistan Province, providing them with money, weapons and training. As a major country in the region, what is China’s response?
Wang Wenbin I have no information on the first matter you mentioned.
On the second matter, we stated our position on similar issues before. Terrorism is a common enemy of humanity. China firmly opposes double standards on counterterrorism. Such practice will only backfire. China stands ready to step up cooperation with other countries and jointly combat all forms of terrorism.
Reuters Reuters reported that China has asked Iran to help rein in attacks in the Red Sea and said if not, it would harm China-Iran relations. Can you confirm that?
Wang Wenbin Our position on the situation in the Red Sea is clear. We are deeply concerned about the recent escalating situation in the Red Sea. The Red Sea is an important international trade route for goods and energy. From day one, China has actively deescalated the situation, called for an end to the disturbance to civilian ships, and urged relevant parties to avoid fueling the tensions in the Red Sea and jointly protect the safety of international sea lanes in accordance with the law. What must be underlined is that the tensions in the Red Sea is a spillover of the Gaza conflict, which should end as soon as possible to prevent it from escalating or spiraling out of control. The UN Security Council has never authorized the use of force by any country against Yemen. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen and other coastal countries along the Red Sea need to be earnestly respected. China stands ready to work with all parties for the deescalation of the situation and security and stability of the Red Sea. 