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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on January 26, 2024

At the invitation of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, President of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly Dennis Francis will visit China from January 27 to 31.
China Daily As we celebrate the first International Day of Clean Energy today, we noted that the International Energy Agency (IEA) recently published a report saying that China is on track to meet the 2030 wind and solar target this year, six years ahead of schedule. By 2028, nearly 60 percent of the world’s electricity from renewable energy will be generated in China. What’s your comment?
Wang Wenbin Energy transition is an intrinsic path toward realizing the Paris Agreement targets and achieving a green and sustainable future. China is a doer in global clean energy transition. China has turned from a “follower” to a “forerunner” and to a “pacesetter” in a short time span, making a positive contribution to the global transition to clean energy and low-carbon economic growth.
In recent years, China has made notable progress in developing clean energy, including solar power, wind power, NEVs and nuclear energy. By the end of 2023, China’s installed capacity of renewable energy accounted for over half of the total installed power capacity. In 2023, NEV production and sales in China reached 9.587 million and 9.495 million respectively, up by 35.8 percent and 37.9 percent year on year respectively. China’s NEV production and sales account for over 60 percent of the global total, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years. The IEA’s report Renewables 2023 pointed out that China’s installed solar PV capacity last year is equal to the global total of 2022 and China’s installed wind power capacity soared by 66 percent year on year, registering a remarkable growth rate. That said, to achieve global goals, global joint efforts are required. In particular, favorable conditions need to be created for extensive international cooperation, and protectionism, unilateralism and politicization must be abandoned.
While pursuing its own clean and low-carbon development, China has made an active contribution to the global energy transition and response to climate change. A large number of clean energy projects, including the Al Dhafra PV2 Solar Power Plant in the UAE, the Noor III solar-thermal power plant in Morocco, the De Aar Wind Power Project in South Africa, and the Karot Hydropower Project in Pakistan, are typical examples of China’s extensive cooperation with other countries on clean and renewable energy. During COP28 to the UNFCCC concluded last month, parties attending the conference spoke highly of China’s vision of transition to low-carbon energy and achievements in the development of clean energy. They noted that China’s solutions have pointed to the direction of the global energy transition, as they are important, practical and feasible solutions for countries, especially developing ones, to advance energy transition, accelerate economic growth and improve the ecological environment. This is of great significance to global energy transition and climate governance.
Green is a defining feature of Chinese modernization. China will continue to uphold the vision of seeking harmony between humanity and nature, take solid steps to advance the energy transition, and make a greater contribution to the global response to climate change.
Reuters Taiwanese officials have said that the Chinese mainland seeks to seize Taiwan’s “diplomatic relations.” In fact, it does not rule out the possibility that the Chinese mainland will use the Tuvalu elections to maliciously manipulate issues and influence specific candidates. What does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have to say about this?
Wang Wenbin The resumption of China-Nauru diplomatic ties shows to the world again that the one-China principle is where global opinion trends and the arc of history bends. The big family of nations committed to the one-China principle will continue to expand, which is a fact that will not change no matter how “Taiwan independence” and their supporters think otherwise or what the DPP authorities say. We urge a handful of countries who still keep so-called “diplomatic ties” with Taiwan to keep up with the trend of the times and join the family of nations that endorse the one-China principle as soon as possible.
TASS I have two questions. First, on January 24, Ukrainian air defenses shot down a Russian Il-76 transport aircraft at the Russia-Ukraine border, which crashed in Russia’s Belgorod region after being hit by several missiles. The aircraft was carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war. What is the comment of the Foreign Ministry? The other question is, the UK-based Financial Times reported that the US has asked China to urge Tehran to exert influence on the Houthi forces attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea, but has seen no sign of help from the Chinese government. What is the Foreign Ministry’s comment on this?
Wang Wenbin On your first question, we noted the reports. On the Ukraine crisis, China’s position is consistent and clear. We always believe that dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way out of the Ukraine crisis. We hope all parties will be committed to a political settlement of the crisis, stop the fighting as soon as possible and work together to alleviate the situation.