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中英对照:2020年2月3日外交部发言人华春莹主持网上例行记者会 [3]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Daily Briefing Online on February 3, 2020 [3]

Published on Feb 03, 2020
We hope some countries will see the epidemic and China's efforts in an impartial and rational manner, follow IHR provisions and the professional, authoritative advice of WHO, and take proper measures that won't unnecessarily interfere with international travel.
昨日 , 巴基斯坦方面表示 , 不会从 中国 湖北撤回本国 公民 。 并 表示中国有更好的医疗设施应对疫情。 请问 是否有其他国家通过外交渠道表达了 和巴方相近的 观点?
Q Pakistan said  y esterday it will not be evacuating citizens from Hubei, saying that China has better medical facilities to handle the outbreak. Are there other countries who have expressed the same view in diplomatic discussions?
A Indeed, as Pakistani Prime Minister and foreign minister noted, they highly commend and firmly support China's efforts to fight against the nCoV. They also appreciate China's assistance for Pakistani citizens in China and express confidence in China winning this battle with the strength of its system. The Pakistani people are standing firmly with their Chinese brethren.
Like Pakistan, many other countries have also expressed full confidence in China. We thank them. We have the confidence and the capability to win the fight against the outbreak as soon as possible and safeguard the life and health of their citizens in China.
Q Will President Xi's visit to Japan this year be affected by the outbreak?
A We've been in close communication with Japan. The two sides should continue working together and make sound preparations for the major diplomatic agenda in the near future.
你 能否 介绍发生在 湖南 H5N1禽流感 的情况 ?
Q Is  any update on recent cases of H5N1 bird flu in Hunan ?
A I'd refer you to information available online from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
美方 仍 称中方拒绝美方提供的帮助,这是否属实?
Q The US still says China is refusing US offer of help . I s this accurate?
A Since the outbreak of the epidemic, some countries have provided support and assistance to help China fight against the epidemic through various means. We are grateful for that.