中英对照:团结合作,开放包容  共同维护人类和平发展的进步潮流

Upholding the Trend of Peace and Development of Our World with Unity, Cooperation, Openness and Inclusiveness

Speech At the French Institute of International Relations
Paris, 30 August 2020
by H.E. Wang Yi, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of The People's Republic of China
尊敬的德蒙布里亚尔院长, 各位来宾,各位朋友:
Executive Chairman Thierry de Montbrial, Distinguished Guests, Friends,
It is such a pleasure to come back to Europe. In the past six months, the world was swept up in an unexpected coronavirus epidemic. The disease has held up a mirror to a complex international scene where heartwarming acts of partnership and collaboration such as those between China and Europe are juxtaposed with the undertows of blame games, unilateralism and bullying.
Yet, what is even more alarming than the coronavirus is a political virus that is stoking hatred and confrontation. Politicizing and attaching a geographical label to the epidemic, and even stigmatizing a specific country will not solve one's own problems. It will only erode international solidarity and cooperation.
Like Europe, China is one of the oldest and most respected civilizations in the world. As President Xi Jinping said, realizing national rejuvenation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. Only nations that once achieved greatness could appreciate the meaning of rejuvenation. Only peoples that survived so many trials and tribulations would yearn for rejuvenation.
What China's rejuvenation is about is achieving the prosperity of the country, revitalization of the nation and happiness of the people. It is about bringing the Chinese civilization back to the forefront of human progress and starting a new era of openness and integration with the world.
The assertion that China's rejuvenation is to remake or conquer the world only reveals a lack of knowledge about Chinese history and the Chinese civilization.
Aggression never flows in the veins of the Chinese nation. For a long time in history, China was one of the world's most powerful countries, yet it never sought expansion or global dominance.