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中英对照:2024年6月7日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会 [3]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on June 7, 2024 [3]

Al Jazeera According to US government press release, the State Department has approved the sales of F-16 spare parts and relevant services worth US$80 million to Taiwan. What is the Ministry’s comment?
毛宁 美国向中国台湾地区出售武器,严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报特别是“八·一七”公报规定,严重侵犯中国主权和安全利益,严重损害中美关系和台海和平稳定,向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号。中方对此强烈不满、坚决反对。
Mao Ning The US arms sales to China’s Taiwan region seriously violate the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, especially the August 17 Communiqué of 1982. Such sales gravely undermine China’s sovereignty and security interests, harm China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and send a gravely wrong message to “Taiwan independence” separatist forces. China strongly deplores and firmly opposes this.  
What happened shows once again that the biggest threat to cross-Strait peace and stability and the biggest source of damage to the cross-Strait status quo are the separatist moves for “Taiwan independence” and connivance and support for such moves from US-led external forces. “Taiwan independence” is as incompatible with cross-Strait peace as fire with water. The DPP authorities attempt to seek independence through the use of force and the US is hellbent on helping advance that agenda by arming Taiwan. This is against the trend of the times, which will only escalate cross-Strait tensions and lead nowhere.
The Taiwan question is at the core of China’s core interests, and the first red line that cannot be crossed in China-US relations. China urges the US to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, stop selling arms to Taiwan and having military contact with Taiwan, stop creating factors that fuel tensions in the Taiwan Strait, stop endangering cross-Strait peace and stability, and stop going further down this wrong and dangerous path. We will take strong and resolute measures to defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Bloomberg We are wondering why Chinese leader has not yet sent a congratulatory message to India’s Prime Minister Modi after his reelection?
毛宁 中方已就莫迪总理领导的印人党及其所在全国民主联盟赢得印度大选表示祝贺。印方对此表示感谢。
Mao Ning China has extended congratulations on the victory of the BJP led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the National Democratic Alliance in India’s general election. India expressed appreciation for that. 
For the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, there will be no regular press conference on Monday, June 10. The press conference will resume on Tuesday, June 11. During the holiday, questions can be submitted to the Spokesperson’s Office via fax, email or WeChat. Happy weekend and may the Dragon Boat Festival bring you good health.