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中英对照:2024年6月7日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会 [2]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on June 7, 2024 [2]

China stands ready to work with the rest of the international community to advance the steady and sustained growth of practical cooperation under the GDI, and make positive contribution to accelerating the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We welcome more like-minded countries to join the Group of Friends of the GDI and work together to forge a global partnership for development.
China News Service We noted that the signing ceremony of the trilateral agreement on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project was held in Beijing yesterday. Do you have any comment?
毛宁 1996年,乌兹别克斯坦第一个提出建设中吉乌铁路的设想。在近30年时间里,中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦三国就项目举行了很多轮磋商和谈判,充分、深入沟通工作思路。去年5月,中吉乌铁路项目的可研基本完成,项目推进工作驶入快车道。短短一年时间里,三方通力协作、加紧商谈,在有关重大问题上不断缩小分歧、累积共识,最终于昨天签署了中吉乌铁路三国政府间协定。这一重大阶段性成果的取得,凝结了三方各相关部门和专家的心血,也是三国领导人亲自关心和推动的结果。
Mao Ning In 1996, Uzbekistan first proposed the idea of a China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. In the following three decades, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan have had many rounds of consultation and negotiation, through which ideas concerning the implementation were fully exchanged. In May last year, the feasibility study of the project was generally completed which put the implementation of the project on a fast track. In just one year, the three countries have worked closely together to press ahead with consultation on the details and managed to narrow the gaps on major issues and accumulate common understandings. As a result, the trilateral agreement was finally signed yesterday. This important milestone was achieved thanks to the tremendous efforts of different departments and experts, as well as the personal attention and support from the leaders of the three countries.
The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project demonstrated the common aspiration for cooperation and development shared by the three countries. It will be a strong boost to the economic and social development of the three countries, as well as the Central Asian region. It is another testament to the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative and demonstrates the popularity of the vision for a community with a shared future for mankind in Central Asia.
China looks forward to working closely with all parties for the early completion of this railway of development, friendship, and happiness which is in the common interest of the people in the region, and turbocharges the China-Central Asia cooperation.
Reuters The Philippine coast guard has accused Chinese coast guard of blocking efforts to evacuate a sick member of its armed forces stationed at the Second Thomas Shoal. The Philippines said Chinese coast guard made dangerous maneuvers and intentionally rammed its navy boat while the sick personnel was being transported. The Philippines has also called the Chinese coast guard’s actions “barbaric and inhumane.” How does the Ministry respond to this?
毛宁 中方在仁爱礁问题上的立场是明确的。如果菲方向中方提前通报,我们可以允许菲方向“坐滩”军舰运送必要生活物资以及撤离相关人员。但菲方不得以此为借口向“坐滩”军舰运送建筑材料,图谋永久侵占仁爱礁。
Mao Ning China’s position on the issue of Ren’ai Jiao is clear. If the Philippines notifies the Chinese side in advance, we can allow delivery of living necessities to the grounded warship or evacuation of personnel concerned. However, the Philippines should not use this as an excuse for delivering construction materials in an attempt to permanently occupy Ren’ai Jiao.
Beijing Youth Daily It was reported that when meeting with the Palestinian Ambassador to Bangladesh a few days ago, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that although Western countries always talk about human rights for all, “but, they don’t bother about the human rights violation of Palestinians, and killing of innocent people there, rather they keep mum here.” She said the people of Bangladesh could realize the pain and suffering of the Palestinians and that in every international forum across the globe, she always expressed her concern and voice for the Palestinian people. What is China’s comment?
毛宁 中方注意到有关报道。长期以来,美国打着“人权”的幌子肆意干涉别国内政,却对巴勒斯坦人民的处境不闻不问,甚至拱火浇油,暴露了美国一贯的双重标准和自私霸道的本性。“美式人权”已沦为服务美国霸权和一己私利的工具。
Mao Ning China noted the reports. Over the years, the US has wantonly interfered in other countries’ internal affairs under the pretext of “human rights,” but said nothing about what is happening to the Palestinian people, and even poured fuel to the fire. This lays bare the US’s long-standing double standards and selfish and hegemonic nature. “US-style human rights” is just a tool serving the US’s hegemony and selfish interests.
China supports full UN membership for Palestine and hopes that there can be a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the question of Palestine at an early date. China is ready to work tirelessly with all countries including Bangladesh for a ceasefire in Gaza and lasting peace and stability in the Middle East, and to jointly uphold peace and stability across the region. 