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中英对照:2020年2月11日外交部发言人耿爽主持网上例行记者会 [5]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Daily Briefing Online on February 11, 2020 [5]

Published on Feb 11, 2020
Q Pakistanis and Nepalis are among the few international students remaining in Wuhan. Cambodia and some African countries have also left some of their students in Wuhan. Is China taking active measures to convince these countries to keep their nationals in Wuhan and keeping flights between these countries open? Also is there a list of countries which have said they do not plan to evacuate citizens from Wuhan?
A China attaches great importance to the health and safety of all foreign nationals in Wuhan, Hubei province. We have taken effective measures to timely respond to their concerns and requests. WHO DG Tedros also stressed many times that flying out in a rush is not recommended, the best way being stay put and enhancing self-protection. For those countries that wish to take home their nationals, China will make relevant arrangements and offer necessary assistance consistent with international practices and our domestic epidemic control measures.
WHO also stressed many times that it does not recommend imposing travel and trade restrictions on China. As some countries have taken such excessive steps as suspending flights, ICAO has also issued bulletins and encouraged all countries to follow WHO recommendations. We hope the professional recommendations of WHO and ICAO will be respected.
Q According to reports, the World Health Organization will host a global research and innovation forum in Geneva from February 11 to 12. Experts from the Taiwan region will attend the meeting online. Taiwanese media say they're participating under the name of Taipei. What's your comment?
A We highly value the health and wellbeing of our Taiwan compatriots. After the epidemic broke out, the National Health Commission has been timely and actively updating the Taiwan region on our control measures and the information of people from the Taiwan region who have been confirmed NCP cases in the mainland.
The Taiwan region's participation in WHO technical activities must be arranged after being agreed by the Chinese side through consultations under the one-China principle. According to the arrangement reached by China and the WHO, China has replied to the WHO that we agree to the participation of the Taiwan region's medical experts in this forum. It is despicable for the Democratic Progressive Party authority to hype up this issue and conduct political manipulation over it.