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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on March 13, 2020

Published on Mar 13, 2020
According to the latest figures from the NHC, March 12 saw 1,318 patients cured and discharged from hospital in China's mainland, bringing the tally to 64,111.
Q The second sherpas' meeting of the G20 Riyadh Summit was held yesterday followed by a statement on COVID-19. Do you have any comment?
A COVID-19 is now a pandemic. As a major international forum for economic cooperation and a mechanism in response to major global crisis, the G20 has special significance in enhancing international cooperation and response against the pandemic. Building on the recent statement of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, the G20 sherpas again send a strong signal of solidarity and cooperation to the world by their collaboration and consensus, which will help boost market confidence and international commitment.
China played an active role in the drafting and issuance of the statement. Here I'd like to stress the following three points.
First, since the pandemic knows no borders, the only right thing for the world to do is making concerted efforts. No country can keep itself away from the spread of the virus. We must overcome the difficulties together upholding multilateralism and the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind. We must inject positive energy into global cooperation by opposing unilateralism, finger-pointing and stigmatization.
Second, we support the G20 in once again leading international efforts against the pandemic. We must use all necessary fiscal, financial and structural policy tools to coordinate macro-economic policies at both demand and supply sides to promote the strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the world economy.
Third, we firmly safeguard an open world economy. Measures taken by countries will inevitably impact trade and investment, but we must do our best to ease tensions in international trade, remove unilateral tariffs and jointly protect global industrial and supply chains from disruptions.
Through the G20 and other multilateral platforms, China will continue working with the international community to fight the epidemics. With the joint efforts of all countries, the victory will be ours.
Q Some say it might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. How do you comment on that?
A In recent days we noticed many discussions on the origin of the COVID-19. We firmly oppose the unfounded and irresponsible comments made by certain high-level US officials and Congress members on this issue to smear and attack China.