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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on July 2, 2024

Premier Li Qiang of the State Council will attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance and deliver a speech on July 4 in Shanghai.
Dragon TV You announced that Premier Li Qiang will attend the 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance in Shanghai. Can you share more details?
Mao Ning The rapid development of AI technology in recent years brings a multitude of risks and challenges as well as enormous socioeconomic benefits. Global AI governance has become a major task for all countries.
China advocates the principles of wide participation and consensus-based decision-making in global AI governance, and promotes broad international consensus based on full respect for differences in policies and practices of all countries. The World AI Conference has been held annually six times. The Conference this year, with the theme of “Governing AI for Good and for All”, aims to establish international cooperation and exchange platforms featuring openness, inclusiveness, and equal participation, advance global AI governance and develop an open, fair and effective governance mechanism.
The Conference brings together government officials, and representatives of international organizations, industries, universities and research institutes, among others. We look forward to full exchange of insights in Shanghai in the spirit of extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, to build consensus and promote the healthy, safe and orderly development of AI.
Beijing Daily NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO views China’s behaviors as challenging the alliance’s values, interests and security. Russia is producing missiles and drones with the support of advanced technology imported from China, which makes Beijing accountable for instigating the largest conflict on the European soils since World War II. What’s your comment?
Mao Ning I’m not sure what exactly he meant by NATO’s values. But if the values are to draw lines based on ideology and to create conflicts, stoke confrontation and escalate tensions along those lines, then China indeed cannot agree with it. The reality is, it is NATO that has been challenging China, interfering in China’s domestic affairs, misrepresenting and vilifying our domestic and foreign policies and seriously challenging China’s interests and security.
Speaking of the Ukraine crisis, China has been committed to promoting talks for peace and finding a political solution to the crisis. NATO needs to see the root cause of the crisis and take a hard look at what kind of role it has played for the peace of Europe and the world, rather than divert the attention and blame it all on others.
CCTV We’ve learned that the resolution entitled “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” submitted by China was reviewed and adopted by the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. Can you give us more details?
Mao Ning The 78th session of the UNGA yesterday adopted by consensus the resolution “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” proposed by China and co-sponsored by over 140 countries. The resolution reflects the extensive consensus among countries on enhancing AI capacity-building and speaks volumes about the political will of countries on enhancing capacity-building and bridging the AI divide through solidarity and cooperation.