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​​Address by H.E. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, at the Seventh China-Australia CEO Roundtable Meeting

Address at the Seventh China-Australia CEO Roundtable Meeting
Perth, June 18, 2024
By H.E. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
尊敬的阿尔巴尼斯总理, 各位企业家朋友,女士们、先生们:
Prime Minister Albanese, Friends from the Business Community, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning. It is a pleasure to meet friends, old and new, in the beautiful city of Perth. Fourteen years since its launch, the China-Australia CEO Roundtable has grown into an important platform for face-to-face exchanges between government and business of the two countries. When the co-chairs walked us through your morning discussions, I could sense your confidence in the future of business development and your hopes for closer cooperation.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Australia as well as the establishment of China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. Amid overall progress in the past decade, China-Australia relations also experienced some ups and downs. Thanks to efforts from both sides, the relationship is returning to the right track, and showing a good momentum of steady improvement.
My current visit has brought me to three Australian cities. As I talked to friends across sectors, I felt a strong, widespread desire for a better relationship, and great expectations for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation. A review of the past 52 years of our diplomatic ties tells us this: As long as our two countries truly respect each other’s national conditions, system and core interests, we can cement the foundation of our mutual trust; as long as we engage in sincere dialogue, and accommodate and understand each other, we can properly manage differences and disagreements; and as long as we stay open and cooperative, and ready to help each other succeed, we can achieve more win-win results.
All these are valuable experience gained through practice and exploration, and should be duly cherished. They could give us the wisdom and inspiration needed to develop a right perception of each other, keep to friendly cooperation and make sure that our comprehensive strategic partnership will navigate through the ever-changing international landscape and keep moving forward.
Economic and trade cooperation is often seen as the “ballast” in state-to-state relations, and hence the business circle pay particular attention to the business ties between our two countries. I would suggest approaching the business relations from the overall context of China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. Examining our relationship from a comprehensive and strategic perspective helps us get the big picture right.
First, China and Australia benefit from each other’s development; we are a close community of shared interests. For 15 years in a row, China has been Australia’s largest trading partner, export market and source of imports. Trade with China accounts for more than 30 percent of Australia’s total foreign trade. Decades of experience shows time and again that both our economies benefit when our economic and trade cooperation is sound and stable; and both economies suffer when our cooperation is in trouble. China’s development is an opportunity, not a challenge, for Australia. 