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Remarks by H.E. Li Qiang Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China at the Welcoming Gala Dinner in New Zealand

Remarks by H.E. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, at the Welcoming Gala Dinner in New Zealand
Auckland, June 14, 2024
H.E. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
Your Honorable Prime Minister Christopher Luxon,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
Good evening! It’s such a pleasure to join so many friends in the beautiful city of Auckland. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to people from across the New Zealand society who have given care and support to the development of China-New Zealand relations over the years. I also wish to send my best regards to the warm and friendly people of New Zealand.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s visit to New Zealand and the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between our two countries. At such an important moment, l am honored to be invited by Prime Minister Luxon to visit this land of fascinating beauty and abundance. We are delighted to see that in the past decade, China-New Zealand relations have made historic progress, and cooperation in various fields has advanced with unprecedented breadth and depth. New Zealand was the first developed country in the West to sign a Belt and Road cooperation document and upgrade its free trade agreement with China. China, on its part, has remained New Zealand’s largest trading partner and biggest export market. Two-way trade has doubled from around NZ$20 billion to around NZ$40 billion. Our exchanges and cooperation in areas such as culture, tourism and education, and at the sub-national level are flourishing, and the number of sister provinces/states and sister cities has grown to 42 pairs. The fruitful results of our friendly cooperation have not only generated tangible benefits to our peoples, but also greatly contributed to prosperity and stability of the region and beyond.
If we delve deeper into history, more stories of friendship and more fruits of cooperation between China and New Zealand will come into view. In the past 52 years of diplomatic ties, China-New Zealand relations have long been a pacemaker in China’s engagement with the wider developed world, and set many records along the way. The history of friendly exchanges between our two countries, which can be traced back to the 1860s when the first group of Chinese people arrived in Otago, spans nearly 160 years. For over one and a half centuries, our exchanges have continued to deepen, our cooperation has become closer, and our friendship and mutual understanding have kept growing. What I want to stress here is that despite the distance between us and the difference in national conditions, China and New Zealand have forged a natural bond of affinity and empathy, based on our many commonalities and similarities.
First, we both respect Mother Nature. China and New Zealand are both countries with magnificent landscape and diverse ecosystems. Reverence for nature is an integral part of our traditional values. That is why we both attach great importance to environmental protection and appreciate the necessity of green development. New Zealand is renowned for being a “land of the long white cloud” and “pasture under the blue sky.” Capitalizing on its rich natural endowments, New Zealand is a developed country with advanced agricultural and pastoral sector, and an example to the world on ecological sustainability. New Zealand’s experience offers valuable inspirations for China’s modernization drive. The Chinese people believe in harmony between man and nature. Over the past years, guided by the vision of “lucid waters and lush mountains being invaluable assets,” China has made vigorous efforts to promote green and low-carbon transition, and emerged as a leader of new energy vehicles, wind power, photovoltaic and other technologies. The green development of China and New Zealand not only benefits the two countries but also makes positive contribution to building a clean and beautiful world.
Second, we both embrace cultural diversity. China and New Zealand are both countries of multi-ethnicity. Through the exchanges, mutual learning and integration of various ethnic groups, inclusiveness has become a hallmark of both our cultures. In New Zealand, the Maori, Pacific Islands, European and Asian cultures enrich and inspire one another. In China, the distinctive cuisines, clothing styles, dialects and architectures of different regions shape the vibrant landscape of the Chinese culture. Our embrace of cultural diversity has fostered an open mindset in both countries. We both understand that resisting change will make one fall behind the times, while mutually beneficial cooperation is the only way leading to common progress. For the past decades, China and New Zealand have stayed committed to free trade, embraced the trend of economic globalization, and gained real benefits in this process. We have demonstrated with our own experience that openness and cooperation are the critical enablers of national development and prosperity. 