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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on June 7, 2024

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi will attend the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting upon invitation in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia from June 10 to 11.
CCTV To follow up on your announcement that Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, can you give us more details about the arrangement and China’s expectation?
Mao Ning The upcoming BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is to be held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia from June 10 to 11. The BRICS Dialogue with Developing Countries will be held on the sidelines of the meeting. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi together with foreign ministers of other BRICS member states and countries invited to the dialogue will exchange views on BRICS cooperation, the current international and regional landscape, and other issues of mutual interest, and prepare the ground for the 16th BRICS Summit.
As an important platform for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries, BRICS is committed to upholding multilateralism, taking an active part in global economic governance, and working for a more just and equitable international order. Last year, BRICS achieved a historic expansion, which was a milestone in the development of the mechanism. This is the first BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting after the expansion. China stands ready to work with BRICS partners to consolidate the BRICS strategic partnership, deepen practical cooperation in various areas, join hands with the rest of the Global South to achieve common development and seek strength through unity, and set greater BRICS cooperation off to a good start.
Shenzhen TV We noted that US President Joe Biden in an interview this week said that the Belt and Road Initiative has become a “nuisance” initiative and “look what’s happening in Africa.” What’s China’s comment?
毛宁 “一带一路”倡议到底怎么样,共建国家人民最有发言权。“一带一路”倡议提出10年来,中国同150多个国家和30多个国际组织签署了200多份共建“一带一路”合作文件。共建“一带一路”已成为世界上范围最广、规模最大的国际合作平台,为共建国家人民带来了实实在在的利益,受到国际社会广泛欢迎。
Mao Ning I believe the people of BRI partner countries have the best say in what the Belt and Road Initiative really is. Over the past decade since China presented the BRI, more than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed over 200 Belt and Road cooperation documents with us. Belt and Road has become the world’s largest international cooperation platform that covers the widest range of cooperation. It has brought tangible benefits to the people of BRI partner countries and is widely welcomed by the international community.
Africa is one of the most active regions in Belt and Road cooperation. Thanks to the BRI, many African countries have built their first motorway, first cross-sea bridge and first industrial park. The African continent now has its first well-equipped pan-African center for disease control and prevention. Africa today has taken on a fresh look thanks to the BRI. It is easier to criticize than to do better. We hope the US will actually step up as well, deliver on its funding commitments, and do something real and concrete for Africa’s development and revitalization.
CCTV We noted that China’s Permanent Mission to the UN Office at Geneva and Other International Organizations in Switzerland held an event on the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) in the Palace of Nations of the UN yesterday. This is the first official event of the Group of Friends of the GDI in Geneva. Can you share more information about the event?
毛宁 昨天,“全球发展倡议之友小组”研讨会在日内瓦举行。会议聚焦加强国际发展合作、促进全球可持续发展。
Mao Ning Yesterday, an event on the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) was held in Geneva. Discussions focused on enhancing international cooperation on development and promoting global sustainable growth.
President Xi Jinping put forward the GDI in September 2021 to promote stronger, greener and healthier global development. The Group of Friends of the GDI was established in New York in January 2022. Over the past two years and more, cooperation on the GDI has achieved fruitful results. Over 100 countries and many international organizations, including the UN, have expressed support for the GDI, and over 80 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the GDI. China has also set up the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund to support the implementation of relevant cooperation under the GDI.