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Building on Past Achievements to Jointly Usher in a New Era in China-France Cooperation

Building on Past Achievements to Jointly Usher in a New Era in China-France Cooperation
Remarks at the Closing Ceremony of The Sixth Meeting of the China-France Business Council
Paris, May 6, 2024
By H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China
尊敬的马克龙总统, 各位中法企业家代表, 女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Your Excellency President Emmanuel Macron, Representatives of the Chinese and French Business Communities, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to attend the China-France Business Council meeting with President Macron again in a little over a year and to meet friends, old and new, of the business communities of the two countries. It has been five years since I last visited Paris. I wish to start by extending my warm greetings to you all. I wish the Council’s Sixth Meeting a full success.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations. Sixty years complete one cycle in the traditional Chinese calender, bridging the past and the future.
For 60 years, China and France have remained devoted friends of each other. We both have always committed to the principles of independence, mutual understanding, strategic vision, and win-win cooperation which underpinned the establishment of our diplomatic relations. Together, we have traversed an extraordinary journey, and forged a close and lasting comprehensive strategic partnership. The China-France relationship has always been a pacesetter for the relations between China and Western countries. It shows how countries with different cultures, systems and development levels can help each other succeed and make progress together. China-France friendship is in the best interest of the Chinese and French peoples as well as the interest of the whole world.
For 60 years, China and France have remained win-win partners of each other. Bilateral trade and investment have grown tremendously from negligible levels. Our trade has expanded by nearly 800 times since the establishment of diplomatic relations, reaching US$78.9 billion. Cumulative two-way investment has exceeded US$26 billion. More than 2,000 French companies have woven themselves into the fabric of the Chinese market. China is the largest trading partner of France outside the EU, and France is a major EU trading partner of China. Flagship projects such as the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant and Airbus A320 Family assembly facilities in Tianjin stand as vivid examples of our mutually beneficial cooperation. Our two countries are also engaged in enthusiastic discussions on expanding cooperation in emerging fields such as green and low-carbon development, digital economy and cross-border e-commerce. Thanks to 60 years of growth, our economies are now closely intertwined and highly symbiotic.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,