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中英对照:2024年5月15日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会 [2]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on May 15, 2024 [2]

Wang Wenbin On May 10, China’s Permanent Mission in Vienna held a workshop on AUKUS. Over 100 participants, including those from nearly 50 countries’ permanent missions in Vienna and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Secretariat, and experts from Chinese and foreign think tanks, attended the workshop. All parties had a heated discussion on the safeguards of AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation, which shows the widespread attention and concerns of the global community on AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation.
AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation harms efforts to keep the region peaceful and secure. The US, the UK and Australia formed AUKUS to advance cooperation on nuclear submarines and other cutting-edge military technologies. Their moves exacerbate the arms race, undermine the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, incite bloc confrontation and hurt regional peace and stability. China and relevant countries in the region have expressed more than once serious concerns and firm opposition.
AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation has spawned widespread concern on nuclear proliferation. The three countries’ cooperation involves the transfer of nuclear power reactors and a large amount of weapons-grade HEU. IAEA’s existing safeguards system cannot place effective safeguards on that, and major controversy exists on the interpretation and application of relevant safeguards provisions. If the three countries insist on going through with the nuclear submarine cooperation, it will trigger enormous risks of nuclear proliferation and have a far-reaching negative impact on the resolution of other regional nuclear hotspot issues.
China calls on the international community to take seriously how AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation can impact the authority and effectiveness of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and its negative effect on the IAEA safeguards regime. The international community needs to continue using the IAEA, the NPT review process, and other platforms to have in-depth discussions on the political, legal, and technical issues involved in AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation. Until the international community comes to a clear-cut conclusion on those issues, the US, the UK and Australia should not proceed with their nuclear submarine cooperation.     
TV Asahi It’s reported Russian military used products made by Chinese companies on the battlefield in Ukraine. China has always called for a ceasefire and neutrality. What is your comment on the use of Chinese products and technologies in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Besides, after the meeting between the Chinese and French presidents last week, President Macron said that China promised to strictly control the export of weapons and dual-use products to Russia. In this case, what is the position of the Foreign Ministry? 
Wang Wenbin China rejects comments that smear and scapegoat China on the Ukraine issue. China handles the export of military products prudently and responsibly and strictly controls the export of dual-use articles, including drones for civilian use. China is not a creator of or a party to the Ukraine crisis. We have not sat idly by, still less fanned the flames, but have been committed to promoting talks for peace. Shifting the blame to China does not solve the crisis.
Let me also stress that China’s normal trade with Russia is done aboveboard. It’s consistent with WTO rules and market principles. It does not target any third party and should not be come under external interference or coercion. China’s legitimate and lawful rights and interests brook no infringement.
Reuters I have a follow-up to the question on US tariffs. What would China do to protect its industries and exports from not just the tariffs but from US suppression?
Wang Wenbin I stated our principled position just now and would like to stress again that China firmly opposes the unilateral imposition of tariffs by the US in violation of WTO rules and will take all measures necessary to defend our legitimate rights and interests. 
AFP Five commercial fishing boats carrying some 200 civilians from the Philippines headed to the surrounding waters of Huangyan Dao today. The organizers said the flotilla’s mission is aimed at upholding their rights and interests in the disputed waterway. Did the Foreign Ministry note their action? If so, what’s China’s comment? 