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中英对照:2024年3月5日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会 [3]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on March 5, 2024 [3]

I would like to point out that in recent years, some Western countries have attacked and smeared China under the pretext of human rights. They have concocted a number of rumors and lies on issues related to Xinjiang and Xizang. What they did was not at all out of care for human rights, but for the purpose of holding back China’s development. Facts prove once and again that the international community has seen more and more clearly about the political agenda and double standards of the US and other Western countries behind their manipulation of human rights issues, and their rumors and lies have been rejected by more and more people. In recent years, more than 100 countries have supported China’s just position on issues related to Xinjiang, Xizang and Hong Kong and opposed interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of human rights at multilateral human rights meetings. This fully proves that the world is not blind to the truth.