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Remarks by H.E. Wang Yi Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China At the MFA New Year Reception 2024

中共中央政治局委员、外交部长 王毅
By H.E. Wang Yi Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China
Beijing, January 31, 2024
尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人, 女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Your Excellencies Ambassadors, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Representatives of International Organizations and Spouses,  Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
Good evening! It’s a great pleasure to be joined by friends both old and new to ring in the new year and renew our friendship. On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the ambassadors, representatives and members of the diplomatic corps present, and sincere appreciation to friends from across the sectors who have long supported China’s diplomacy.
The year 2023 witnessed instability and transformation in the world, but, more importantly, there was impetus for development and progress. Having emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic, the world values exchange even more dearly. Having experienced crises and conflicts, the world pursues peace even more resolutely. Over the past year, the notion of a new cold war has been widely rejected, and the approach of decoupling and cutting off industrial and supply chains has proven a dead end. More countries and peoples have come to realize that we humanity are in it together come rain or shine, and the future of the global village lies in our own hands.
The year 2023 witnessed the Chinese people and people from around the world supporting each other on the journey forward. China achieved a steady transition in its COVID-19 response and saw a rebound of its economy. High-quality development was pursued with solid steps, and qualitatively new productive forces were forming at a faster pace. The Chinese path to modernization was becoming ever broader. While pursuing its own development, China also embraced the world. We opened our door wider to share our development opportunities and to welcome friends from around the globe with open arms, thus injecting much-needed stability and positive energy to the world.
Over the past year, China’s diplomatic service has risen to challenges and forged ahead with a great sense of responsibility. We have brought the great cause of building a community with a shared future for mankind to a new height, and made new contributions to safeguarding world peace and advancing common development.
China has stayed committed to dialogue and cooperation and served as a staunch pillar in healthy interactions between major countries. The summit meeting between Chinese and American Presidents shaped the San Francisco vision and stabilized the bilateral relationship, which met the shared expectation of the world. The time-tested China-Russia relationship is a paradigm for a new type of major-country relations and serves global strategic stability. China and Europe deepened dialogue and cooperation, advanced green development, and jointly safeguarded multilateralism. As the world experiences growing transformation and instability, it is all the more important that major countries work in the same direction and demonstrate greater vision and sense of responsibility commensurate with their stature.
China has acted on the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and proven a reliable partner in jointly building the Asian home. The inaugural China-Central Asia Summit elevated the relations between China and the Central Asian countries. China-ASEAN cooperation made solid progress. Lancang-Mekong Cooperation developed rapidly. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization continued to grow. China and Japan reaffirmed their commitment to comprehensively promoting a strategic relationship of mutual benefit. The China-Australia relationship returned to the track of sound and steady growth. A united, inclusive, amicable and harmonious Asia will continue to serve as an anchor for world peace, a powerhouse for global growth and a new pacesetter for international cooperation.
China has pursued progress for all and stayed a steadfast member of the Global South. China worked for the historic expansion of the BRICS mechanism and supported the African Union in joining the G20, giving a strong boost to the representation and voice of developing countries. China actively implemented the Global Development Initiative (GDI), put forward three proposals facilitating Africa’s development, and deepened China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with Arab, Latin American and Caribbean, and Pacific Island countries, to support faster modernization in developing countries. Cooperation is truly beneficial when it delivers for everyone. Whether in global governance or in the process of development and prosperity, the Global South must not be left out.