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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on January 30, 2024

CCTV Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Thailand from January 26 to 29. Can you brief us on the highlights of the visit? What results have been achieved and what common understandings have been reached through the visit?
Wang Wenbin Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi visited Thailand upon invitation from January 26 to 29.
During the visit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin respectively. Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara held annual consultation and jointly met the press.
The Thai side stated that Thailand highly values the Thailand-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and attaches great importance to enhancing its friendly cooperation with China. Thailand firmly upholds the one-China principle and does not conduct any official interaction with Taiwan. Thailand congratulates China on holding a successful Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs and agrees with President Xi Jinping’s proposal of building an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. Thailand stands ready to work with China to jointly build a China-Thailand community with a shared future, strengthen coordination on regional and international issues, carry out substantive cooperation on implementing the three global initiatives, enhance Belt and Road cooperation, uphold multilateralism, oppose decoupling and severing of supply chains, and keep the industrial and supply chains stable and smooth.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China and Thailand are as close as one family. Our two countries are good neighbors, good friends and good partners. We will celebrate the 50th anniversary of China-Thailand diplomatic relations next year. China will focus on building a China-Thailand community with a shared future for enhanced stability, prosperity and sustainability, strengthen practical cooperation across the board and add new dimensions to China-Thailand relations. Our two countries are comprehensive strategic cooperative partners. Enhanced friendship and mutual trust between China and Thailand helps safeguard peace in Asia, maintaining close and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Thailand help energize regional development, and accelerated progress in building a China-Thailand community with a shared future will make humanity’s future more promising.
During the visit, the two sides reached a series of common understandings:
First, enhancing high-level exchanges. The two sides will work together to put into action important common understandings between leaders of our two countries, deepen strategic guidance, continue to render each other support on issues that bear on each other’s core interests and major concerns and jointly plan for events celebrating the 50th anniversary of China-Thailand diplomatic relations next year.
Second, focusing on mutually beneficial cooperation. The two sides will actively advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, speed up the construction of the China-Thailand Railway, fully implement the vision of interconnected development of China, Laos and Thailand, and complete the building of the Trans-Asian Railway’s mid-line section at an early date. The two sides will strengthen cooperation in such fields as agricultural trade, NEVs, digital economy and green development to benefit the two peoples with the dividend of building a China-Thailand community with a shared future.
Third, boosting people-to-people and cultural exchanges. One of the highlights of the visit is the signing of the agreement between the two sides on the mutual exemption of visa requirements for holders of ordinary passports. The two countries will usher in a visa-free era. We will jointly enhance the public foundation for the China-Thailand community with a shared future. The bilateral people-to-people exchanges will be brought to a new height. The two sides will strengthen law enforcement and security cooperation and jointly fight transnational crimes including online gambling and telecom fraud for a secure and worry-free environment for the bilateral exchanges and cooperation.
Fourth, strengthening multilateral coordination. The two sides will stay committed to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, firmly oppose zero-sum game and winner-takes-all, practice true multilateralism and open regionalism, build a peaceful, safe and secure, prosperous, beautiful and amicable home for China and ASEAN, accelerate the consultation on a code of conduct in the South China Sea, and jointly safeguard ASEAN centrality. China supports Thailand in serving as the co-chair of Lancang-Mekong cooperation and in building a Lancang-Mekong community with a shared future of peace and prosperity.