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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on January 29, 2024

CCTV On January 27, 2024, President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron delivered video speeches and exchanged congratulatory messages on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. What’s China’s comment and expectations on China-France relations? 
Wang Wenbin France is the first major western country to establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with New China. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic ties. As President Xi stressed, 60 years ago, China and France broke the ice of the Cold War, bridged the divide between different blocs, and pushed the global landscape to evolve in the right direction of dialogue and cooperation, which still offers inspiration for today. Over the past 60 years, the two countries have adhered to independence, achieved common development through mutually beneficial cooperation, promoted mutual learning among civilizations through exchanges on an equal footing, and jointly addressed global challenges through multilateral coordination. We have not only benefited the people of both countries but also played a vital role in maintaining global peace and stability, promoting a multipolar world, and advancing greater democracy in international relations. The current China-France relations maintain sound growth. In particular, since last year, the bilateral interactions at various levels have rebounded quickly and cooperation across the board has born fruitful results, demonstrating the vigor of China-France relations in the post-COVID era.
The two countries both value the 60th anniversary and will jointly hold events throughout the year to celebrate the anniversary and mark the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism. The reception celebrating the anniversary was held in Beijing and attended by Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and over 200 Chinese and French from various sectors who are committed to China-France friendship. Standing at the new starting point of historic importance, China stands ready to work with France to stay true to the original aspiration of establishing diplomatic relations, undertake the historical mission, make China-France comprehensive strategic partnership more solid and dynamic and contribute wisdom and efforts to global peace, security, prosperity and progress.
Bloomberg Donald Trump has discussed with his advisers the possibility of imposing a flat 60 percent tariff on all Chinese imports. This is according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity and reported by the Washington Post. Does the Foreign Ministry have any comment on Mr. Trump’s plans to impose 60 percent tariff on all Chinese imports?
Wang Wenbin We don’t comment on unverified information. I want to stress that the economic and trade relations between China and the US are mutually beneficial and win-win in nature. Upholding sound and steady growth of China-US economic and trade ties serves the fundamental interests of both countries and our peoples and is conducive to global economic growth.
Sky News China was questioned on the deportation of defectors from North Korea at the UN Human Rights Council’s Periodic Review last week. How does China justify the deportation?
Wang Wenbin First of all, there is no so-called “DPRK defectors” in China. People who illegally enter into China for economic reasons are not refugees. They violate Chinese laws and the entry and exit order of China. China will handle these illegal entries under the principles of both domestic and international laws and the spirit of humanitarianism. 
Taking this opportunity, I’d like to brief you on the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR). On January 26, the 45th session of the UN Human Rights Council’s UPR Working Group adopted unanimously its report on the fourth cycle of the UPR of China. After the session, representatives from many countries sent congratulations to China. The delegation of the Chinese government attended the UPR session on January 23 and had constructive dialogue with representatives of other countries in an open and candid manner. More than 120 countries spoke highly of China’s human rights progress, and fully acknowledged China’s effort in advancing and protecting human rights. 
China is advancing the cause towards a strong and prosperous country and national rejuvenation in all respects through Chinese modernization. In achieving this grand goal, we will deliver more gains of modernization to all people more fairly, continue to better safeguard human rights and strengthen the free and well-rounded development of our people. While China promotes high-quality development of its own human rights cause, it will always hold high the banner of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, seek others’ success as well as ours with a global vision, and advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. China will work with the international community to unswervingly advance and protect human rights, proactively take part in global human rights governance, champion humanity’s common values, and build a community with a shared future for mankind to jointly make the world a better one.
Nikkei The Chinese government and the Thai government yesterday signed the agreement on visa mutual exemption for holders of ordinary passport. Why is that the Chinese government has not yet resumed the pre-pandemic visa-free policy to Japan? Many Japanese companies hope to see the visa-free policy resumed soon. What’s the condition for the policy to resume?