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中英对照:深入贯彻中央外事工作会议精神 不断开创中国特色大国外交新局面 [4]

Implementing the Guiding Principles of the Central Conference On Work Relating to Foreign Affairs and Breaking New Ground In Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics [4]

Published on Jan 16, 2024
It was pointed out at the Conference that in view of the series of major issues and challenges facing the world today, China calls for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. These two major propositions are highly relevant to the issues of the day and provide strategic guidance. They will generate more favorable conditions for world peace and development, and lay a more solid foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind.
Multipolarity is the general trend of the world today. Great transformation is accelerating across the world. The international balance of power is undergoing profound realignment. The Global South is gaining a stronger momentum, shaping the trajectory of the world history in a profound way. The overwhelming majority of the members of the international community, be they big or small, all stand for a multipolar world and reject the old path of bloc confrontation and zero-sum competition, still less a repeat of war and conflict. However, consensus is yet to emerge on how to advance the multipolar process in a drastically changing world, and in what way countries participate in and facilitate this process. Right at this historic juncture, China’s proposition has charted the course forward for advancing a multipolar world.
The multipolar world China champions is one based on equality. It means all countries, regardless of their size, are treated as equals; hegemonism and power politics are rejected; international affairs are not dominated by only a handful of countries; and democracy is truly promoted in international relations. Each and every country or country group should have its place in the multipolar system, and the conventional myth that multipolarity is the monopoly of a few big powers should be debunked. The multipolar world China champions is one based on order. It means that the progress toward greater multipolarity should be generally stable and constructive. It should be a historical process in which countries choose solidarity over division, communication over confrontation, and cooperation over conflict. If all countries can observe the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, uphold the universally recognized basic norms governing international relations, and practice true multilateralism, multipolarity will not lead to turbulence or disorder.
Economic globalization is an inherent requirement of developing productive forces, a natural result of scientific and technological advancement, a sure path to human progress and more importantly, an irreversible trend of the times. Since the end of the Cold War, economic globalization has enabled thriving trade, easy investment, greater flow of people and technological advancement, underpinning the rapid development of the world economy. However, recent years have seen notable prevalence of various forms of protectionist measures and disturbing attempts to shift blames onto others to deflect attention from one’s domestic problems. Facts have proven that the beggar-thy-neighbor approach to roll back globalization will not solve one’s own deep-seated problems; it will only disrupt the global industrial and supply chains, hamper the healthy development of the world economy, and undermine the interests of all countries.
The economic globalization China advocates is one that is universally beneficial. It means meeting the common needs of all countries, especially the developing countries, properly addressing the development imbalances between and within countries resulting from the global allocation of resources, and delivering balanced and adequate development. This will help foster a globalization process that enables faster development of all countries, especially the developing countries, and realize universal benefit and common prosperity. The economic globalization China advocates is one that is inclusive. It means supporting all countries in pursuing development paths suited to their respective national realities while joining hands to promote the common development of the entire humanity. All forms of unilateralism and protectionism should be opposed, and all attempts to impose discriminatory or exclusionary standards and rules should be rejected. Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation should be promoted, global industrial and supply chains should be kept stable and unimpeded, and there should be mutual respect for the legitimate interests and reasonable concerns. This is the way to overcome the structural problems hindering the healthy development of the world economy and sustain the dynamism and momentum of global economic growth.
At the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, it was made clear that in the current and upcoming periods, China’s external work shall be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era and Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy in particular, and shall serve the goals and missions of Chinese modernization and follow the principles of self-confidence and self-reliance, openness and inclusiveness, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation, with a view to breaking new ground in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and making new contribution to the development and progress of humanity. These principles, by drawing on the diplomatic theory and practice since the founding of the People’s Republic of China seven decades ago and especially since the start of the new era, encapsulate our Party’s summary of the guidelines for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.
The principle of self-confidence and self-reliance underscores the imperative to strengthen our confidence in our path, theory, system and culture, have firm conviction in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and stay committed to the ideal of building a community with a shared future for mankind. We must develop our country and nation with our own strength, deal with China’s issues in light of the Chinese context, and build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization. We must firmly uphold our independent foreign policy of peace, stay true to the belief that peace and development represent the unstoppable trend of our times, and unswervingly pursue the new path of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. The principle of self-confidence and self-reliance is an important element of the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era. It represents the inherent character of Chinese communists and serves as the basis for further innovation in China’s diplomatic theory and practice.
The principle of openness and inclusiveness underscores the imperative to take into account both domestic and international dynamics, uphold the basic state policy of opening to the outside world, take proactive measures for opening up, contribute to building an open global economy, and deliver more benefits to the people of China and across the world. Countries’ independent choice of their development paths as well as the diversity of civilizations in the world must be respected. It is important to refrain from imposing one’s own values and model on others or engaging in ideological confrontation, and let inter-civilization exchanges and mutual learning become a driving force for the progress of human society. Such is a path that must be taken to promote greater democracy in international relations and a crucial premise for achieving common development of all countries. Openness and inclusiveness are deep-rooted qualities of the Chinese civilization. We should consistently champion mutual respect, mutual tolerance and equality among countries.
The principle of fairness and justice underscores the imperative to always determine our position and policy based on the merits of the issue in question when handling international affairs, abide by the basic norms of international relations, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all countries, especially developing countries. We should call on all countries to pursue the new path of state-to-state relations that favors dialogue and partnership over confrontation and alliance, resolve differences and disputes through dialogue and cooperation, and oppose all hegemonic, high-handed and bullying acts, the Cold War mentality and attempts to stoke division and confrontation. Upholding fairness and justice has been a fine tradition and unwavering commitment of Chinese diplomacy. From putting forth the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence with neighboring countries in Asia over 70 years ago to actively advancing the building of a community with a shared future for mankind in the new era, we have taken concrete actions to contribute our strength in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.