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中英对照:2023年政府工作报告 [5]

Report on the Work of the Government (2023) [5]

We established a new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to make key technological breakthroughs, opened a number of national laboratories, and reorganized key national laboratories in several batches.
Breakthroughs were made in core technologies in key fields, and a stream of innovations emerged in areas such as manned spaceflight, lunar and Martian exploration, deep sea and deep earth probes, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, airliner manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine.
As spending on R&D increased from 2.1 percent to over 2.5 percent of GDP, the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth exceeded 60 percent. The capacity of innovation to sustain development was enhanced continuously.
-The economic structure was further improved.
The value-added of high-tech manufacturing and of equipment manufacturing increased by an annual average of 10.6 percent and 7.9 percent respectively. China’s digital economy continued to grow in strength. The value-added of new industries and new business forms and models accounted for over 17 percent of GDP. We fully implemented the coordinated regional development strategy and major regional development strategies. The share of permanent urban residents in the total population rose from 60.2 percent to 65.2 percent. The rural revitalization strategy was implemented across the board. New drivers of growth developed at a much faster pace.
-Infrastructure was further upgraded.
Work began on the construction of major water conservancy projects such as those against floods and droughts and those for water diversion. The length of in-service high-speed railways increased from 25,000 kilometers to 42,000 kilometers, and the expressway network expanded from 136,000 kilometers to 177,000 kilometers. In rural areas, 1.25 million kilometers of road were newly built or upgraded. The passenger handling capacity of airports increased by 400 million. Installed power capacity increased by more than 40 percent. Gigabit fiber optic internet services covered all prefecture-level cities, and broadband internet was installed in every administrative village in China.
-Reform and opening up were deepened.
We deepened reform and opening up across the board in an effort to create a new pattern of development. We further promoted supply-side structural reform and reforms to streamline government administration, delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. Thanks to these endeavors, a notable improvement has been made in the business environment.
Joint efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) made solid headway. China played its part for the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, which has created the world’s largest free trade zone. China’s total volume of trade in goods exceeded 40 trillion yuan, registering an annual growth rate of 8.6 percent. It has thus been the top global trader for many years running. China is now both a major destination for foreign investment and a leading global outbound investor.