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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Daily Briefing Online on February 4, 2020

Published on Feb 04, 2020
Q China said this morning that it hopes the relevant assistance from the United States will be provided as soon as possible. Are China and US now discussing the details of this assistance? What kinds of assistance are involved?
A We noted that the US repeatedly expressed readiness to offer China assistance. We hope such assistance will materialize at an early date.
你能否提供 确诊感染 新型冠状病毒 肺炎的在华 外国人 的具体情况 ? 比如说国籍、年龄等信息?
Q Can you provide more details (age, nationality, etc.) on the foreigners in China who have been infected with the novel coronavirus?
A To protect the privacy of the people involved, we don’t think it appropriate to disclose their personal information, including their nationalities.
昨天在世卫组织执委会第146届会议上,世卫组织总干事谭德 塞再次强调,防范是必要的,但无需过度反应。世卫组织不建议各国采取任何旅行或者贸易限制措施,呼吁各国采取基于证据、令人信服的措施。他同时也警告了谣言和错误信息传播的危害。请问中方对此有何评论?
Q In the 146th WHO Executive Board Meeting yesterday, Director-General Dr. Tedros stressed again that where precaution is necessary, there’s no need for overreaction. WHO advises against travel or trade restrictions, calls on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and convincing, and warns of the dangers posed by the spread of rumors and misinformation. I wonder if you have any comment?
A As we noted, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros repeatedly stressed that this is the time for facts, not fear. Virus is horrible. What’s more horrible is rumors and panic. WHO has been calling on countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based.
The fact is that since the onset of the outbreak, China has taken unprecedentedly strict prevention and control measures, many of which far exceed WHO recommendations and IHR requirements. According to a WHO report released on February 3, there are altogether 153 confirmed cases of the 2019-nCoV outside China, which is less than one percent of the number in China. In contrast, in 2009, the H1N1 flu in the US spread to 214 regions and countries. Thanks to China’s efforts, we have effectively contained the cross-border spread of the 2019-nCoV. WHO applauded China, saying it’s setting a new standard for outbreak response.
The fact is that according to media reports, the 2009 H1N1 flu had a mortality rate of 17.4%. The mortality rate of MERS of 2012 was 34.4% and Ebola 40.4%. With China’s unrelenting efforts, the 2019-nCoV mortality rate in China is about 2.1%, much lower than the figures above. Since February 1, cured cases began to outnumber deaths. As of 12am February 3, a total of 632 patients have been cured and discharged. We have the confidence and the capability to win this battle.
The fact is that the major purpose that the WHO declared the 2019-nCoV a public health emergency of international concern is to help ill-prepared countries with weaker health systems to get necessary international assistance. The WHO doesn’t approve of and even rejects travel and trade bans on China. It has said repeatedly that China has taken firm and strong actions, and that it is confident in China winning this battle. However, it was precisely some developed countries with sound health systems and advanced public health capabilities that imposed excessive restrictions on China, which clearly runs counter to WHO advice. Even American media and experts doubted the government’s decision, saying that the US government’s restrictions on China are precisely what the WHO rejects and cannot really reduce risks of virus spreading. German media stated that in front of the epidemic, if we are compassionate and ready to help, fear and panic will fade away. If we lose humanity, it will not just be a battle against disease that we lose.
I want to stress that virus knows no borders. The epidemic is temporary, but cooperation lasts. Faced with the public health crisis, countries should work together to tide over the difficulties. It serves the common interests of all.