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中英对照:2020年2月5日外交部发言人华春莹主持网上例行记者会 [5]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Daily Briefing Online on February 5, 2020 [5]

Published on Feb 05, 2020
土耳其 向 中 方 提供了医疗援助。两国外长 也进行了 通话 ,分享了疫情相关 信息。中方 对此 有何评论?
Q Turkey provided medical help to China in the fight against the epidemic. Turkish and Chinese foreign ministers also had a phone call and shared messages. Any comments on that?
A On February 1, State Councilor Wang Yi had a phone call with Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu commended China’s effective measures against the epidemic and believed that China is absolutely capable of defeating it. He said that Turkey has provided medical supplies to China and stands ready to offer more support in accordance with China’s need. China thanked Turkey’s timely assistance which showcased the friendship between Turkish and Chinese people.
据报道,一名曾搭乘过豪华邮轮“钻石公主号”的香港乘客 确认 感染新型冠状病毒。该邮轮停泊在日本横滨港外,正在进行检疫。 邮轮上有 10名乘客确认感染新型冠状病毒,其中有中国公民。请问, 你能否提供 更详细的情况?
Q A Hong Kong passenger who boarded the luxury cruise ship Diamond Princess has been confirmed with novel coronavirus infection. The ship is under quarantine off the Japanese port of Yokohama. Ten passengers, including Chinese nationals, reportedly have contracted the novel coronavirus. Can you give us more details?
A I also just saw the reports and don’t have the specifics. I will check with relevant departments afterwards.