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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Daily Briefing Online on February 20, 2020

Published on Feb 20, 2020
I'd like to share the latest numbers with you first. According to this morning's update from the National Health Commission, February 19 saw 1,779 patients cured and discharged from hospital in China's mainland, bringing the total number of cured cases to 16,155.
New confirmed cases in China excluding Hubei Province stood at 45 on February 19, marking a decline for the 16th consecutive day.
Q In his statement on February 19, US Secretary of State Pompeo condemned China's "expulsion" of three Wall Street Journal foreign correspondents and said that China should not restrict freedom of speech. Do you have any comments?
A This is not a matter of freedom of speech as Mr. Pompeo claimed.
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article that smeared China with a racially discriminatory title, which reflects a disregard for basic facts and professional ethics. It has triggered indignation among the Chinese people and condemnation from the international community.
Mr. Pompeo talks about freedom of speech all the time. Does the US version of it entitle one to publish an openly racist and discriminatory article insulting a whole country or nation and then refuse to admit the mistake and apologize?
I want to ask Mr. Pompeo this question: if the WSJ has the freedom to insult, don't the offended have the right to fight back?
中 方 决定吊销《华尔街日报》 3 名记者 的记者证,仅仅 是因为该报此前刊登的 那篇 评论文章吗?还是为报复美 国 国务院将5家中国媒体作为外国使团列管?中方是否会对美相关措施采取进一步行动?
Q Is China's decision to revoke the press cards of three Wall Street Journal journalists solely because of the headline of the article that WSJ published, or was it also in response to US restrictions on five Chinese media? Will China take further actions in response to the US measures?
A I talked about the revocation of press credentials of three WSJ correspondents yesterday. I need to stress that China deals with affairs related to foreign journalists in accordance with laws and regulations. Media agencies that publish articles blatantly insulting China, endorse racial discrimination, and maliciously smear China must pay the price.
I also responded to the US decision to designate five Chinese media organizations as foreign missions yesterday. We reserve the right to make further responses.