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中英对照:2022年政府工作报告 [21]

Report on the Work of the Government (2022) [21]

Published on Mar 14, 2022
Steps will be taken to strengthen professional ethics among teachers. A mechanism will be established whereby our schools, families and whole society work together to advance education. We will promote online education, improve the lifelong learning system, and encourage public respect for teachers and public support for education.
There are 290 million students in schools and universities in China. We must ensure that education, which is important to millions of families and the future of our nation, is well-run.
We will improve medical and health services. Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will be increased by an average of 30 yuan per person, and subsidies for basic public health services will be increased by an average of 5 yuan per person. The unified management of basic medical insurance funds will be advanced at the provincial level. We will carry out bulk government purchases for more medicines and high-value medical consumables and ensure both the production and supply of these items.
We will intensify supervision over the quality and safety of drugs and vaccines. Reform of medical insurance payments under the medical insurance scheme will be deepened, and medical insurance funds will be placed under strict oversight. We will improve the policy on directly settling medical expenses incurred outside of a patient's home province, and ensure that the list of medicines covered by medical insurance is largely consistent nationwide.
Taking prevention as a priority, we will strengthen health education and management and advance the Healthy China initiative. We will steadily enhance services for the prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer as well as infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis. We will also strengthen research of rare diseases and better ensure the supply of medicines for these. We will improve the disease prevention and control network, increase collaboration between disease control agencies and hospitals, make greater efforts to train public health personnel, and improve our capabilities for monitoring major epidemics and conducting early warning, epidemiological investigation and tracing, and emergency response.
We will promote the comprehensive reform and high-quality development of public hospitals, see that the charges collected by medical institutions and the services they offer are well-regulated, continue to assist medical institutions hit by Covid-19, and shore up weak links in services such as maternal and child healthcare, pediatrics, mental health and medical care for the elderly. We will promote development of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and give greater support to initiatives for vitalizing and developing traditional Chinese medicine and advance its all-around reform. We will implement and refine policies for ensuring salary payments and providing incentives for rural doctors.
We will continue to promote tiered diagnosis and treatment and sound medical treatment procedures, accelerate the development of regional medical centers at the national and provincial levels, channel more high-quality medical resources to the prefecture and county levels, enhance community-level disease prevention and treatment capacities, and ensure that people can access higher-quality medical and health services close to home.
We will improve social security and social services. We will work steadily toward national unified management of basic old-age insurance funds for enterprise employees, appropriately raise the basic pensions for retirees and basic old-age benefits for rural and non-working urban residents, and ensure that these payments are made on time and in full. We will continue to regulate development of third-pillar pension plans. We will move faster to promote unified management of workers' compensation funds and unemployment insurance funds at the provincial level. We will see that service members and their families, ex-service members, and other entitled groups receive the benefits and subsidies they are entitled to.
We will proactively respond to population aging and worker faster to build a system of domestic, community and institutional elderly care services to meet different medical and health care needs. We will improve elderly care in urban and rural areas, support private entities in providing elderly care services such as day care, assistance with meals and cleaning, and rehabilitation care, steadily advance trials for long-term care insurance schemes, and encourage mutual-assistance elderly care in rural areas. We will explore new ways of developing senior citizen education, and promote high-quality development of both elderly care programs and the elderly care sector.
We will improve the supporting measures for the three-child policy, make care expenses for children under three part of the special additional deductions for individual income tax, and develop public-interest childcare services through multiple channels, to reduce the costs of giving birth and raising and educating children. We will step up protection of minors and improve mental health education. We will strengthen disability prevention, and provide better rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. We will do more to meet the people's basic needs, strengthen assistance to people in difficulty, and ensure that our social safety net provides support and assistance to everyone who needs it.