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中英对照:中美元首会晤为两国关系发展指明方向、注入动力 [3]

China-U.S. Presidential Meeting:Setting Direction and Providing Impetus for Bilateral Relations [3]

Published on Nov 16, 2021
As for competition, President Xi Jinping pointed out that cooperation should be priortized. Cooperation may invovle areas of competition, such as the economic field, but competition must be fair and healthy, conducive to respective and common development.
Let me draw an analogy putting out fire is certainly important, but fire prevention is equally important. So, inflammables and explosives shall be removed whenever they are spotted.
Importantly, whether it is making rules for competition or installing guardrails for a relationship, it should be done through consultation on equal footing, agreed and adhered to by both sides, rather than one side imposing conditions or demands on the other.
Q5 Since the start of this year, values have often been made an issue by the U.S. side, and a "Leaders' Summit for Democracy" will be held before the end of this year. Did the two sides talk about this summit during the meeting?
A President Xi Jinping said at the meeting that democracy is not a one-size-fits-all product that has only one model or configuration for the whole world. Whether a country is democratic or not should be judged by its own people. Dismissing forms of democracy that are different from one's own is in itself undemocratic. We are willing to have dialogues on human rights on the basis of mutual respect, but we oppose using human rights to interfere in other countries' internal affairs. Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and maritime issues concern China's sovereignty, territorial integrity and core interests, and are close to the hearts of the Chinese people. On these questions, China has no room to back down. The United States should respect China's interests and concerns, and handle the relevant issues in a prudent and proper way.
Let me also say that China advocates peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, which are common values of humanity. Democracy is not a slogan to be chanted, but requires concrete actions. The key criteria is whether it benefits the people and has people's support.
Q6 We know that both Chinese and U.S. Presidents care a lot about climate change. Was this issue covered at this virtual meeting?
A Climate change is a common concern of the international community, and an important area of China-U.S. cooperation. At the meeting, President Xi Jinping recalled China-U.S. cooperation that brought about the Paris Agreement on climate change. A few days ago, the two sides issued their second joint declaration about climate change. As both countries are transitioning to green and low carbon economy, climate change can well become a new highlight of cooperation.
Needless to say, cooperation on climate change is inseparable from the broader climate of China-U.S. relations, and thus requires efforts from both sides to foster an enabling atmosphere. Since last year, China has announced its goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and then its decision of not building new coal-fired power projects abroad. This means that China will use the shortest time in history to realize the world's biggest cut in carbon emission intensity, a task that will take extraordinary efforts. China is still the biggest developing country in the world. All countries need to uphold the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and strike a balance between climate change response and livelihood protection. What the world needs is less finger-pointing or blame game, but more solidarity and cooperation. Promises matter, but actions matter even more. Developed countries need to earnestly fulfill their historical responsibilities and obligations, and maintain consistency in their policies.
Q7 COVID-19 is still ravaging the world and the world economy is struggling to recover. Mankind faces multiple crises. Did the two Presidents talk about possibilities of cooperation to address the crises?