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中英对照:关于2020年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2021年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告 [2]

Report on the Implementation of the 2020 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2021 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development [2]

Published on Mar 05, 2021
1. We put the health and safety of our people before all else and saw major strategic achievements in the fight against Covid-19.
面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情带来的严峻考验,习近平 总书记亲自指挥、亲自部署,团结带领全国各族人民迅速打响疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战,用1个多月的时间初步遏制疫情蔓延势头,用2个月左右的时间将本土每日新增病例控制在个位数以内,用3个月左右的时间取得武汉保卫战、湖北保卫战的决定性成果,此后又有效处置多起局部地区聚集性或散发疫情。
Faced with the sudden and severe challenges posed by Covid-19, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally took charge, planned our response, and unified the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in rapidly launching an all-out people’s war to contain the virus. In just over a month’s time, we had largely contained the spread of the virus in China. In roughly two months, we had reduced the daily number of new local cases to single digits. And in approximately three months, we had secured a decisive victory in the battle to defend Hubei Province and its capital city Wuhan. After this, we effectively dealt with a number of local outbreaks and sporadic cases.
1) No effort was spared to control the epidemic and treat patients.
We coordinated the efforts of the whole country in accordance with the general requirement to stay confident, stand united, and adopt both a science-based approach and targeted measures. A central leading group for coordinating the epidemic response was established and a central guidance team was dispatched to Hubei. Full play was given to the functions of the State Council interdepartmental task force. The entire country was mobilized in the fight to protect Hubei and Wuhan and to curb local transmission of the virus. We gave clear guidelines for the early detection, reporting, isolation, and treatment of cases, and mandated that patients be treated in designated facilities where the best doctors and medical resources were concentrated. We ensured that all treatment-related costs were borne by the state, and worked to raise hospital admission and recovery rates and to bring down infection and mortality rates.
We carried out an interdepartmental and society-wide epidemic prevention and control effort. One after another, provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government activated level-one responses to this major public health emergency. Officials were dispatched to communities to ensure effective local epidemic control, and social organizations of all kinds, specialized social workers, and volunteers received the guidance required to provide epidemic control and social services in accordance with the law and in an orderly manner.
We took firm steps to guarantee medical supplies and to stabilize the supply and prices of daily necessities. We quickly ramped up the production of face masks and other medical protective materials and medical equipment, and added more hospital beds, thereby ensuring that epidemic control needs were essentially met. We did everything possible to ensure the well-coordinated allocation of labor in key production areas to guarantee stability in the supply and prices of grain, cooking oil, and other foods such as meat, eggs, vegetables, and milk. Various measures were taken to maintain the security and stability of energy supplies, and to ensure safe medical waste and wastewater disposal.
We coordinated scientific research with clinical treatment and prevention and control work, speedily developed nucleic acid testing kits, accelerated both the selection of effective medicines and vaccine development, and began vaccination using domestically produced vaccines. In so doing, we fully leveraged the role of science and technology in our efforts to contain the epidemic.
In response to the rapid spread of the epidemic around the world, and while still guarding against the risk of inbound cases, the Chinese government provided care and support for overseas Chinese nationals and arranged temporary flights to support the orderly transit of Chinese citizens facing difficulties abroad back to China.
2) There was no let-up in routine epidemic control efforts.
As the situation evolved, we shifted the focus of our national response to guarding against inbound cases and domestic resurgence, and changed from an emergency response mode to one of routine epidemic control. We developed routine mechanisms for rapidly detecting and handling cases, for taking targeted measures to suppress resurgence, and for providing effective treatment. Substantial utilization of modern information technologies and the widespread introduction of health code verification allowed for continuous improvement in the precision of routine control work, thus helping to maintain regular production and daily household activities.